Jt65 fldigi
Jt65 fldigi



The software also keeps a separate log, and displays calls from previously worked station and band in RED. Also, HB9HQX edition somewhat addresses my question #1 above, in that when you double click on a decoded call, the software displays the short path bearing to the station, based on the grid location embedded in the call. It also connects to my rig with OmniRig, and with the HB9HQX version of JT-Alert it auto logs to Log4OM. It seems to decode more signals with less fussing of the incoming audio gain than either the original HF version, but especially the Comfort version. I have spent the last two days with the HB9HQX edition of the JT65-HF software and I really it. What is the general thought (Terry?) on which flavor of JT65-HF to use? The original, the Comfort derivative, or the HB9HQX edition? Is there a way to have JT Alert log the contacts as JT65?


If I change those qso's mode in Log4OM from JT65A mode to JT65 mode, then download again, no error and the qso's are matched up. When I download verified QSO's from LotW from within Log4OM, I get errors on many JT65 contacts which says the QSO can't be found. When logging a qso in JT, that qso is transfered to JT-Alert, then on to Log4Om seamlessly. When double clicking on a CQ Call on JT, is there any way for that call sign to be passed on to Log4OM, for info lookup including Short Path, Long Path and name prior to completing and logging the contract? I do have a couple of questions regarding the integration of JT65-HF and Log4OM, maybe more seeking advice than a request. African station with 20 watts from Washington State. I have especially been enjoying JT65-HF and JT-Alert. How often does that happen!? And it does not happen by chance! Lots of work and thought went in to that integration. I was able in short order to get both software packages working well with Log4OM.


And secondly, how well that implementation has been documented in the wonderful manual which Terry and others have written. First, how well Log4OM integrates with Fldigi and JT65-HF/JT-Alert. I would like to compliment the Log4OM team on two things. FEC of previous mode too heavy for some CPUs Requires Signalink made-after 2018 connected to the 9600-jack 2/3 rate K=13 FEC with 3.2sec interleaver 1/2 rate K=13 FEC with 3.2sec interleaver 1/2 rate K=15 FEC with 4sec interleaver * fix for pi3/4 gpio h/w UDRC-II operation


* modify edit code to maintain cursor position * correction to xmlrpc procedure to get smeter and power out meter from flrig This seems to result in slightly better message decoding in marginal Make the bit flip guessing a little smarter by correcting towards theģ/4 framing, but only if this character is only one off from a valid The space value, even when both are the exact same signal level! The mark value consistently getting a lower envelope estimation than SITOR-B, where every character has 3 marks and 4 spaces, resulting in However, in the face of selective fading and QRM, the assumption of With the smallest absolute value is likely to get us what might have been Likely to get things wrong in each direction, and that flipping the bit The flip_smallest_bit code was written with the assumption that theĭiscriminator has equal weights for mark and space, that we are equally * make single bit flip correction guess a little smarter * adjust tracking filter constants to improve power detection * Fix cosmetic issues reported by Bob, VK2YQA


* Update release to both fldigi and flarq Download the latest version of Fldigi here. As with all of the FL suite, Flrig supports PowerPC, Intel (i386) and Apple Silicon (M1) processors with individual downloads available for each architecture. It can help calibrate a sound card to a time signal and do frequency measurement tests. The development team led by W1HKJ have announced the release of Fldigi v4.1.20.įldigi is a modem program for most of the digital modes used by radio amateurs today: CW, PSK, MFSK, RTTY, Hell, DominoEX, Olivia, and Throb are all supported.

Jt65 fldigi